Saturday, April 15, 2006

4/15/06c Jeremy is on a roll...

10:42 p.m.

I'd offer Jeremy more of my chocolate bunny, but I'm not sure how much is going to be left. Jelly beans okay?

It was a ceiling fan! The following clue was stick to one of the blades: I hide things. A lot of things right behind me. But if you look really really close, I look just like you!

Figured that one out pretty quickly. It was the mirrored medicine cabinet in the bathroom. That clue said: The Danes, the Geats, and the Swedes. I'm the very first of the English reads.

Huh. Wish I'd paid closer attention in English Lit class...

Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

I'm sure we'll be able to work something out. First, we need to get you to the chocolate. Beowulf?

Cap'n Bob said...

The guitar?

annie said...

hamlet, yo.

Anonymous said...

If none of the above, how about Beowolf?

Or The Little Mermaid?

Obviously I don't have a clue...*sigh*

mybillcrider said...

Beowulf for sure, but you figured that out already.