I'm bored. I know!!! Let's hang out at the morgue at night! Here's the scary, dark corridor that leads to the autopsy suite (metal door at the end) from the main offices at the medical examiner's office. I'm about halfway down at this point. The metal doors you see on the left look like refrigerators, don't they? I haven't been brave enough to go exploring over there yet. Maybe next time. Tonight I want to check out the boiler room.

I might need you to exorcise the medical examiner's office, Craig. ;-)
You know, these passage ways are not quite as bad as Polly makes out; sure, sure, they might be a little dark and quiet and yes vandals and criminals have broken in several times and due to construction there are large holes in the wall and there is heavy machinery and deadly tools lying around... but if you just set all of that to the side for a moment all you really have is just a really old building full of dead people.
Sometimes I think Polly gets a little carried away. I mean come on, it is not like ALL of these people were killed in violent encounters or an innocent killed at the hands of an evil plot; or some kind of a soul seeking justice for a life cut short.
Save it for a place that is really scary... like that mansion at Disneyland, have you been there lately? Now there is something scary.
No really.
Dirty blond, huh?
As you know, I HAVE been to the haunted mansion at Disneyland lately! And I don't mind saying the whole Disney experience left me pale and trembling.
And not in a good way.
Tamara, honey...be careful or you'll spill wine on your new coffee table.
And he's only dirty when he hasn't showered for two days because he's been out all night waiting in front of Target for an X-box 360...
rtlzzb --- The sound you hear when you stick a fork in an outlet.
Dirty Blonde - can you say "Texas Chain Saw Massacre"?
Somebody breaking in and stealing autopsy equipment gives my goose bumps goose bumps.
Polly - Come on down to Arlington and ride the 6 flags "rides from Hell".
kmloukf - sound of a deer slipping of the hook in the fridge when it hits the floor.
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