Friday, January 06, 2006

Polly PI playing as Elvira Lynn Fection (with...ahem...Space Invaders in the background)

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Anonymous said...

Uhoh, Polly, watch out for Cap'n Bob when he sees this one!

mybillcrider said...

Polly doesn't have to worry. The Cap'n's head will probably explode.

Higgy said...

AWHOOOOOGA! YOWSA! I'm not worrying about Cap'n Bob - I'm worrying about MY head exploding!

Remember to bring that outfit with you to Vegas in 2006!

JD Rhoades said...

Oh...oh, my.

Anonymous said...

Photo eval:

Smirk firmly in place ..... check
"The Girls" tucked in nicely (for Mom) ...... check
Shoulder just peeking out from under curly locks ........ check
Fish net hose showing a modest amount of leg (again for Mom) ...... check
Stare the convinces you its you she's looking at, and it's time to put down the camera and .......... Sorry Mom

Yep, that's our Polly

PollyME said...

Claws in, you cat!

You don't hate me. You love me.

Besides, you're the one with the fabulous hair all flipping it around and...mocking me.

I am coveting your hair. Which is probably equivalent to coveting my neighbor's ass.

wlgjld- What the junk in my trunk does when I jog.

Higgy said...

Oh - forgot to mention - as a 6'3" male myself, I volunteer to wrestle with you as often as needed to improve your techniques...

No need to thank me, that's just the thoughtful type of guy that I am...

P.S. wear that outfit...

lehdobq - a basketball shot made while eating a chicken wing

Anonymous said...

(*Higgy is confident TCMH does not read Polly's blog. If he's wrong... Cap'n Bob's head is not the only thing in danger*)

arzfo - ask your doctor

Anonymous said...

You know, it is not as fun as you might think watching a woman wearing things like that in public... I mean the eye candy is nice and all, but Polly (being on the anemic side) was cold the entire night (forcing certain other people to shed their clothing to keep her from hypothermia) and then NEVER let a woman out of the house with fishnet stockings, they will never let you forget how uncomfortable they are to wear... not even for an instant.

Although the look on all the other men's faces as they tried not to notice her bodice... priceless.

Cap'n Bob said...

You look like the sweetest dance hall girl this side of the Pecos. Thanks for... KA-BOOM!

(Damn, my head exploded. Meyerson must be psychic.)

Mike Weasel said...

Best non de plume ever.

PollyME said...


Thanks, Weasel. I wish I could take credit for it!