Tuesday, July 19, 2005


1:56 p.m. Well, I told Stinky Jimmy that Bones stood us up this weekend and I was too busy washing my hair to notice. Turns out Stinky Jimmy was completely unconcerned. "Is that it? THAT'S your bad news?" I sit there for a second. "Well...yeah." Stinky Jimmy tells me that happens at least once a week with his other supervisors. Oh. I say, "In that case, Jimmy, I think I should get a raise." Jimmy laughs and tells me not to hold my breath.

Just for that I'm going to send him the picture of my head PhotoShopped on a Sumo wrestler's body...


PollyME said...


Welcome to the world of nonanonymity. Is that a word?

Losing an investigator has definitely screwed up my weekend...

Anonymous said...

Atlanta? *perk*

Anonymous said...

waves hello to AtlGa