Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sparkly pants! Sparkly pants! Who's the girl with the sparkly pants? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Who da girl? You da girl!!

Now, in RL I can't pull that off at all. I'm faaaar too white. I can't even get away with referring to a female friend as "girlfriend". However this is the internet, so I can do anything.

DonnaJo said...

Oooh! ooh! I want a pair!

BTW, I've finished the meme you passed on to me. Now, to go finish unpacking.

Anonymous said...

Oh, JEANS sparkly pants. I was picturing slinky black... uh, never mind.

Nancy French said...

You are so cute!

annie said...

as the owner of numerous pairs of sparkly jeans (and as someone who is always on an unhealthy quest for more sparkly jeans) i must say that i approve! :-)

Anonymous said...

Marie said...*is jealous of Polly's legs*

Legs? Oh! OK, I see them .... over to the right of that smirky grin.